Free Church provides Christmas gifts for 817 children
A large part of FrikirkeNet's member churches are involved in distributing Christmas aid every year. One of them is the free church Copenhagen Vineyard, which this year has donated gifts to 817 children.
No child should do without Christmas presents. That phrase is the driving force behind Copenhagen Vineyards” Mission Julegave”, which for the past seven years has been collecting used clothes and toys — in perfect condition — and then passing them on to children in families where Christmas gifts cannot be afforded.
This year, 817 children have received a Christmas present in this way — including a number of children from Udrejsecenter Sjælsmark and Center Sandholm.
- We do this because we believe that there is enough love for everyone. And this is a low-practical, concrete way to show love to other people,” says Madicken Marcussen, project manager at Mission Julegave.
The collection of clothes and toys has been going on throughout November, with 26 private individuals making their homes available as collection points. After that, a number of volunteers drove around to pick up the collected items — one of them is Nikolaj Trolle.
- Helping your neighbor so that those who cannot afford gifts for their children can also have a good Christmas and that the children can also get some gifts — that means a lot, he says about his motivation for being part of “Mission Christmas Gift”.
- And we get a lot of really good feedback after Christmas, where parents thank and say that it has really saved their Christmas.
The actual distribution of the gifts takes place when the church opens its doors four days in December, where you are greeted by Christmas spirit, coffee and fun talk. In a separate room, to which the children do not have access - all toys and all clothes are laid out, and then parents can walk around and choose gifts for their children, after which the gift is wrapped. Meanwhile, the children enjoy themselves in a Christmas workshop where they have fun, tell stories, eat rice porridge and make Christmas gifts that can be taken home to the family.
One of those who has made use of the “Mission Christmas Gift” for several years is Sandra.
- It has saved my Christmas for many years, and it has also meant that instead of maybe one or nothing, there are four gifts under the tree now, she says.
Project manager Madicken Marcussen has no doubt when she has to explain why the church has created the “Mission Christmas Gift”:
- We get through this to get to talk to some people and hear their story. And we want, especially at Christmas, for people to be able to experience a slice of God's love.
In total, FriKirkenET's member churches distribute more than 2,500 packages of Christmas food to families — often there are also gifts for the children included in the package.
In addition, free churches are also involved in Christmas lunches for homeless people; joint Christmas Eve for people who lack someone to celebrate Christmas with and — like Copenhagen Vineyard — the distribution of used clothes and toys that parents can give to their children as Christmas gifts.
In addition, all churches distribute Christmas aid in cooperation with other actors — be they municipalities, NGOs, associations, gospel choirs, educational institutions, companies or the media.