Become a FrikirkenET partner
Become a Frikirkenet partner for only 50 kroner a month.
As a partner with FriKirkenET, you can, for SEK 50 per month, contribute to:
- Create relationships and build bridges with organizations, politicians and opinion makers.
- Ensure good and free conditions for the Free Churches in relation to new legislation.
- Strengthen networks between free churches, member churches and the wider ecclesiastical landscape.
- Support increased media visibility for the free churches — we work to get the good stories in and the bad stories out of the media.
All partners will receive a partner email from time to time, where we will tell you news from the work.
If you want to become a partner with FriKirkenNet, submit your details to us today via the form below. We will ask you to specify whether you want to pay your partnership via Payment Service or bank.Next, do one of the following:
1. Payment service: Wait until we have sent you a giro card - after that you can set up the payment.
2. Bank transfer: Immediately create your partner payment as a fixed bank transfer to our account 1569—4795057102. If it is possible for you, we prefer full annual payment of 600 kroner to facilitate administration - otherwise 50 kroner per month.