The newspaper Jydske Veskysten has run a series of articles about religious communities outside the Church — with a special focus on the Apostolic Church Denmark.
Head of the Apostolic Church's service team, Jacob Viftrup (photo), has written this line for the series:
The headings of the articles in the series, which have a particular focus on the Apostolic Church, are as follows:
“At the age of 19, Jacob put his life in God's hands - then strode to the top: now his religious network has spread to every corner of the country”
“They have property for 97 million and are given money by anonymous donors: The country's largest free church is located in Kolding - that's how rich it is”
“Watch video: They won't be dedicating homosexuals, they're dancing at the church services and they're the largest free church in the country - come along behind the scenes”
“Soren was the splendid example of the Church and lived up to all the rules - then he had enough: left his wife, children and his entire network after a wild argument”

New free church is on the way in Nakskov.
In July, assistant priests in Rønne Vineyard Mette-Line and Kasper Thorskov Hansen with their two children (photo) will move to Nakskov to establish a new Vineyard church in partnership with Operation Mission.
The family helped establish Ronne Vineyard in 2017 and have been driving forces in the church since then.
“We can see that Rønne Vineyard has made a big difference in many people's lives, and are moving to Nakskov in the hope of seeing a similar community sprout up there,” they say.
The family will be dispatched from Ronne Vineyard at a church service on June 16.
See more here: Nakskov Vineyard