The cause and cure for racism
Rebellion, which leads to thefts, killings and destruction, is not the answer to racism, for the eye-for-an-eye mindset will only lead to the whole world going blind. The answer is instead love from the hereafter, writes the pastor of the international church in Copenhagen in this commentary.
By Ravi Chandran, PhD and pastor of International Christian Community
COMMENT: While the topic of racism is making headlines across most of the world in the wake of the death of George Floyd in the United States, people are trying to shed light on causes and curses against racism. As a theologian and a dark-skinned foreigner residing in Denmark for the past 27 years, I have also given myself some thought. I was born and raised in Singapore, but -- as someone who has traveled to more than 60 countries -- I can guarantee that this is not an East-West challenge. It's a global challenge.
The root of racism is discrimination. A feeling of being left out by others or by society as a whole. According to the Bible, this feeling arose in a perfect heaven when one angel — Lucifer, to be exact — felt that God had dispossessed him. Therefore, Lucifer launched himself with a coup in which, together with a third of God's angels, he tried to overthrow God from the throne and himself take his position by killing enemy forces and destroying God's kingdom.
They failed, to say the least, and were tried, convicted and are now awaiting their final judgment in hell.
The same sense of discrimination passed the devil on to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and when they believed his lie, they also rebelled against God, believing him to be unjust. In His mercy, God provided a way out by reconciling mankind to Himself through salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, from a theological point of view, racism - which is one of the expressions of discrimination - is a force which in its essence is otherworldly. Therefore, it also provokes very strong emotional and psychological reactions.
The devil divides — God reconciles.
As human beings, we are not born with racism; we receive it through the influence of others. I experienced this firsthand myself, growing up in Singapore as part of a dark-skinned minority. When I played with other, brighter children, their parents would tell them not to touch me or they would go dark themselves. Others said dark is the same as dirty. Imagine the discrimination, bullying, and physical and emotional harassment a dark-skinned person has to live with. Being spat at, verbally abused, mocked and ostracized are just some of the things that can be mentioned. I've only been able to forgive and move on because I became a Christian.
I have to stress that racism is not as simple as just black-white discrimination. When I've traveled the world, I've seen firsthand that racism is colorblind, gender-blind, geographically blind and nationality-blind. It transcends all spheres of society. Many Danes have asked me if there are racists in Denmark. That question is as relevant as it would be to ask if there are people in Denmark. Racism isn't about nationality -- it's about personality. That's why there are racists all over the globe. It will be a huge mistake to judge an entire group because of a few misguided individuals.
Rebellion, which leads to thefts, killings and destruction, is not the answer. The eye for an eye mindset will only lead to the whole world going blind. If people want to protest, it has to be done peacefully, and it has to help politicians to make better policies. You can legislate about rules, but not about love.
The solution to racism and discrimination can only be true love and peace. The love of this world, like the peace of this world, is only temporary. Jesus promised us love and peace from heaven. A love for God and people and a peace that surpasses all understanding and protects our hearts and minds.
It is not difficult to get hold of this love and peace — it is impossible, from a purely human point of view! We need God's help. Because racism is a force from beyond, we can only fight it with love and peace from beyond -- from God.
Jesus died for us to live. The devil came to steal, slaughter and destroy. Jesus came to give life and abundance of life. The only real cure for racism is the love and peace that comes from God. It heals and unites.
In the light of the debate over racism in recent weeks, we at FriKirkenNet want to make it clear that we strongly reject any form of discrimination based on skin colour or ethnicity, which is also reflected in our ethical principles.
FriKirkenNet is a network of more than 100 free churches, organizations and institutions with members and participants from all backgrounds and cultures, and through this we want to create a community based on Christian values, where we believe that every human being is created equal. Therefore, we do not believe that there are any people who should experience discrimination of any kind - even on the basis of skin colour or ethnicity.